Feeling Under Pressure? Strategies to Gain Influence also in Frustrating Situations

[Reading time: 3 minutes]

Today, I want to share a brief reflection that might inspire you when you're facing a tough week at work and feel under pressure.

When you wake up on Saturday morning with a deep sense of fatigue, frustration, and dissatisfaction, and your only outlet seems to be venting your complaints to anyone within earshot—your spouse, friends, even your Uber driver.

Photo Credit: Milan Radulovic

In these tough moments, here's what I do and what I invite you to do: stop and reflect on this thought, which you and many other busy Executives often forget:

Being in a leadership position is a privilege.

Yes, you face exhausting conflicts every day, the toxic colleague who drains you, oppressive deadlines, a team member who keeps you working late into the night, and office politics you can't decipher or control.

You’re right, it’s frustrating.

Welcome to the Corporate world!

But there’s something that can set you apart from other Executives and position you on a higher level compared to your peers: avoiding complaints.

And do you know why?

Because when you complain, you diminish the most important part of your job:

making difficult situations manageable.

The ability to face challenges with strategic calm is the most crucial leadership skill for navigating workplace adversity smoothly.

And this is also the trait that distinguishes successful Executives from mediocre ones.

Don’t let difficulties bring you down; let them ignite your creativity and enthusiasm.

When obstacles arise, don’t be intimidated, don’t complain. Face them with calm and courage, turning them into a source of energy.

Every challenge is an opportunity to hone new skills, demonstrate your leadership as a true executive, and make your career path extraordinary and unconventional.

Want to know how to do it?

There are various strategies*, and today I’m sharing two with you: a habit and a book.

The habit: At the start of each morning, I set this intention for handling difficult situations:

'Instead of trying to have a ready answer for all of today's difficult and unexpected challenges, I will face each situation with calm, curiosity, and an open mind, welcoming different perspectives and enjoying using my creativity to find new and bold solutions.'

Adopting this intention at the start of the day helps me stay open to feedback, experiment with new tools, and turn difficulties into learning and fun experiences.

The book: Deliberate Calm (recommended by my dear friend Nadia) is a must-read for anyone working under pressure and feeling overwhelmed by work.

It’s written by some McKinsey executives, who know a thing or two about workplace difficulties and stress.

Check this book in Amazon IT: link

Check this book in Amazon US: link

I hope I’ve offered you some insights to view your mission in the company with greater clarity and positivity, without being overwhelmed by pressure, frustration, or complaints.

Remember, being in a leadership position is a privilege. Harness its full potential. Only then will you make your career path transformative, unique, and unconventional.

I'll conclude by inviting you to show generosity (one of the traits of successful people) and give a gift to your team and colleagues! If you know they’re also facing challenges and want to help them grow and manage difficult work situations, share this email and invite them to subscribe to the Newsletter.

Spread a positive mindset and effective work approach in your company because change starts with you, and you’ll be the first to see the benefits, both as a leader and as a person!

Until next time.

*Want to discover more strategies to unlock your career and accelerate your professional goals? Book a free 30-minute session. We’ll identify the obstacle that’s holding you back and, if you wish, create a unique and unconventional action plan together.

** If you have any other strategies you'd like to share with me and the Be Executive Community, please write in the comments below. Together, we'll enrich our journey towards our career goals with innovative insights and effective strategies.


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