Tired of sending CVs? Become a talent sought after by the market.

Reading time: 3 minutes today to to avoid sending out countless CVs tomorrow 😉]

Today I have a question for you. 

Have you ever met people who say:

"In my career, I've only sent a few CVs. New opportunities came through contacts in my network?"

 Admit it, doesn’t that kind of statement stir a mix of admiration and envy in you?

 These top talents, highly sought after in the market, save time and energy by avoiding active job searching.


They're not the ones chasing recruiters, headhunters, and job openings on LinkedIn. 

It's the job market that chases them.


You might be thinking, "Sure, they're probably recommended or lucky!"

You're right, recommendations can open a door, but it's talent and dedication that ensure you walk through that door successfully and open the way for future opportunities.

As for luck, I love the quote from good old Seneca: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

So, no excuses!

Even if you don’t have the connections or aren’t “lucky,” you too can join this exclusive circle of top talents that the market seeks out.


Let me explain.

This is a topic that’s close to my heart, and one I often discuss with other executives and top talents to hear their thoughts and personal experiences.

Here are the key points that have emerged from our discussions and that might inspire you too:


1. Be intentional about cultivating your network

No one will contact you with job opportunities if you spend all day buried in work. Block time in your calendar to build and maintain relationships within your network. They will be the ones offering you the best opportunities. 

For those already signed up for the Be Executive networking events on October 12th and 19th in Paris and Milan, these will be perfect opportunities to do just that.

 2. Build your reputation

People in your network won’t reach out if they know your performance is mediocre. You need to excel in your work and communicate your results to your network (see point 4 below).

As I always say, "Your best business card is doing an excellent job."


The next two points are crucial for standing out and getting noticed among the many contacts that usually populate someone's network.

 3. Define your Unique Value

You need to understand and communicate what you’re naturally great at. It’s not about your job title, like Sales Manager or Chief People Officer, but what sets you apart from others in these roles.

Discovering your Unique Value is neither easy nor immediate. 

I suggest you reflect on your professional achievements and connect the dots to identify the common thread that ties your successes together.

Here are some examples of Unique Value that can even be combined:

  • Strong drive for execution

  • Ability to connect people and opportunities

  • Extracting value from data

  • Finding creative solutions

  • Bringing out the best in a multidisciplinary team

If you're not clear on your Unique Value yet, we can work together to help you uncover it and use it for your Personal Brand.

 4. Use Storytelling consistently to elevate your Personal Brand

Once you've achieved results in your work and identified your Unique Value, it’s crucial to communicate them to your network.

Share them whenever possible, remembering that, according to renowned psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, people need to hear information at least seven times before it sticks in their memory.

Avoid self-promotion and instead, use engaging storytelling that leaves a lasting impression on those you meet.


With these four elements, you can create a "memory drawer" in the minds of the people in your network.

In other words, you’ll position yourself as a reliable and competent figure in a specific area, and they’ll remember the story associated with your Unique Value.

So, when an opportunity comes up that aligns with your value, they’ll open that "memory drawer" and be among the first to think of you and reach out with potential job opportunities.

Wishing you a productive day in search of your Unique Value.



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