Choosing the hardest path won’t earn you any bonus points in your career. Here’s how to work smarter.

[Reading time: 3 minutes - including an exclusive invitation for you]

Today I want to share a story that I believe will resonate with you and many talented professionals in the corporate world.

I also want to invite you to an event I’m organizing, which I think you’ll find interesting.

That’s why it’s worth reading this email all the way through 😉.

“A boy and his father were walking in the woods when they came across a large log blocking their path.

The boy looked at his father and asked, ‘Dad, do you think I can move this log?’

The father replied, ‘If you use all your strength, you’ll succeed.

The boy got ready, bent his knees, and tried to lift the log with all his might.

He pushed and pulled with every ounce of strength, but the log didn’t budge an inch.

He tried several times until, exhausted and out of breath, he stopped and said,

‘You told me I could do it!’

His father, smiling gently, replied, ‘I said you could do it if you used all your strength.

But you didn’t think to ask for my help.’

The boy then asked his father for help, and together they lifted the log, clearing the path.”

Photo Credit: MichaelSvoboda from Getty Images Signature

In the corporate world, this story is more common than you might think.

Top talents often feel they have to solve everything on their own, out of pride or to prove their worth.

Has this ever happened to you?

In reality, asking for help is never a sign of weakness.

Using “all your strength” means involving the right people, creating synergies, and making the most of available resources. It means working smarter, saving time, and avoiding the stress that can lead to burnout.

Moreover, asking for help creates unique moments that enrich your professional journey.

Think about the challenges you’ve shared with colleagues and your team: a hurdle at work, a complex project, a company merger, or an unexpected crisis.

Aren’t these the memories that evoke in you a deep sense of pride, emotions that only those who faced the challenge alongside you can truly understand, making you feel part of something much greater?

Photo Credits: PeopleImages from Getty Images Signature

These episodes of collaboration make your career path more memorable, meaningful, and effective!

Remember: no one will reward you with bonus points in life just because you keep choosing the hardest way to get things done.

Your career doesn’t have to be a marathon of sacrifices and “logs” to lift on your own.

With the right strategies, it can become a journey full of opportunities.

This is the mission I care most about with Be Executive: to offer you and other top talents the solutions to tackle your career more intelligently and make it a unique and extraordinary journey.

Now, let’s move on to the invitation I mentioned earlier.

An exclusive networking event in Milan and Paris!

I’ll be in Milan and Paris in the coming weeks, and I’m organizing a meetup with the Be Executives in both cities.

I’ll soon be organizing an event in Santiago as well for the many Be Executives in Chile!

The idea is simple: we’ll meet for an aperitif in a casual and pleasant setting.

It will be the perfect opportunity to create new connections and professional growth.

Each participant can invite one person they believe can enrich our discussion.

To maintain an intimate and productive environment, the maximum number of participants is limited to 8 people per slot.

📍 Paris: Saturday, October 12 - 18:00

📍 Milan: Saturday, October 19 - 18:00.

The locations will be communicated shortly. Participation is free, and everyone will only pay for what they consume.

To sign up, fill out the form here and choose your preferred slot!

Until next time! I’m off to finish packing, ready for a month in Italy and France! 😉✈️ Silvia


Do you need clarity on an obstacle (or “log,” using today’s metaphor) that is preventing you from advancing in your career?

You can book a free 30-minute call. Together, we’ll identify this obstacle that’s holding you back and, if you wish, we’ll create an immediate action plan to overcome it and reach your goals faster and without stress.


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