The Must-Have Strategy Top Talents Use for Their Next Move (or When They Lose Their Job).

[Reading time: 4 minutes today to save you from nasty surprises at work tomorrow 😉] 

The other day, while training for the Paris half marathon, I was listening to a TEDx talk that caught my attention right from the title: "You Will Lose Your Job."

The speaker, Denisse Goldfarb, issued a clear and alarming warning: with the rise of Artificial Intelligence, automation, corporate restructurings, changes in direction, and layoffs, the risk of losing your job is an imminent threat for everyone.

No one, not even the best talents or the most established executives, is safe.

Until recently, I would have said, “I don’t need to listen to this TEDx! My husband and I out of work? Impossible! With our strong references and careers, we’re untouchable!”

Yet, about a month ago, that warning became a reality: my husband was fired.

Photo Credits: Ildo Frazao from Getty Images.

For those unprepared for such a traumatic change, the consequences can be devastating: no steady job, no paycheck, standing on the edge. 

"And now, how do I fill my days?"

"How do I support my family?"

"Do I have to move?"

"Should I cancel Netflix?"

"Will I find a job in this competitive market?"

And you, are you ready for this catastrophic scenario?

No one is truly safe in the corporate world, not even in a big company, with union support, a permanent contract, and top-notch performance, like my husband.

One thing is certain: we don't have control on our fix job, but we can control our value and professional potential.

My husband had a plan in place. And what happened?

In less than a month, he focused 100% on his entrepreneurial venture, accepted a part-time collaboration with an international law firm, and we didn’t have to change our lifestyle (Netflix and Mubi are safe 😉).

How did he do it?

He had already created an action plan based on a few key points (TEDx only mentions the last one):

  • He had savings to live for two years without a paycheck, giving him peace of mind to pursue his new project.

  • In his limited free time, he developed a side gig in real estate investments in the U.S., now the cornerstone of his entrepreneurial career.

  • Despite his demanding job as a lawyer, he continued to build skills through books, podcasts, and YouTube videos, strengthening his personal brand and expanding his network.

Photo Credits: Be Executive adattata dalla foto di Elnur.

 You might be asking, "Where do I start to create my own career action plan?"

 The topic is vast and complex for a single Newsletter, but I want to share some tips to help you start building your career action plan today:

  • Define your long-term goals, vision, and passions you can develop beyond your current job.

  • Create a savings plan to support yourself and your family for 1 or 2 years without a salary.

  • Establish your next career step: grow, maintain, or switch jobs.

  • Develop soft and hard skills aligned with the growth you desire.

  • Expand your network and strengthen your personal brand: attend events, give talks, post on LinkedIn, participate in podcasts, etc.

  • Consult your Mentor for an objective opinion on the plan you’ve created. If you don’t have one, consider finding one.

I know, creating a plan for your professional future is a job in itself.

If you have little time and feel confused, I’d be happy to help, as I’ve done with my husband and other top talents and executives, who now have a clear and strategic action plan to face the challenges of the corporate world with confidence.

There are still a few spots available for the Fast-Track Career Plan: three one-hour sessions where I will guide you to clarify your ideas and build a personalized action plan for your future.

 Together, we will assess your goals, analyze the options that align with your aspirations, and define concrete actionsyou can implement right away and over the next 12 months.

 I’ll provide you with all the tools and strategies (including building your savings, side gig, network, and personal brand) to take control of your career.

Find all the details here: LINK

Whether you choose the Fast-Track Career Plan or decide to map out your future on your own, I encourage you to create your action plan today.

Top talents in the corporate world aren’t caught off guard by worst-case scenarios.

They know exactly what to do to face them with clarity and confidence.

Don’t just watch them, create your own action plan too!

Wishing you a successful career action plan,


Choosing the hardest path won’t earn you any bonus points in your career. Here’s how to work smarter.


Use this tactic and your boss will thank you for working together.